
保健品礦物質鐵-Source Naturals, Vegan True, Iron Support, 180 Tablets

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Iron is particularly important to vegans. White iron can be obtained from plant foods, it is not as efficiency absorbed by the body as iron from animal sources. Vegan True Iron Support contains ferrous bis-glycinate chelate, which research suggests may be more bioavailable than other forms of iron such as ferrous sulfate. Studies show that ferrous bis-glycinate chelate helps increase and maintain blood levels of iron, while being gentle to the stomach and intestines. Folic acid and vitamin B-12 have been included for additional support, along with ascorbic acid, which helps increase the absorbability of iron. Vegan True Iron Support does not contain any animal products or animal-derived ingredients.

Source Naturals, Vegan True, Iron Support, 180 Tablets






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